his 1st brining experience which resulted in everything to be brined!!
our first stuffed bird!
For obvious reasons the French don't celebrate the event, but my husband prefers this 'American' occasion over the super hyped, commercialized ones like Valentine's or Halloween--both neither practiced here as well--which he claims brainwash you to purchase the props which necessarily come with it. Hmmmm.
preparing our stuffing and sidings
2007 Thankgiving meal
Although speaking of feasts and celebrations, don't get me wrong, the French have their share of holidays: national/civic and religious/Christian ones, too. Total of 15 days of break! Even when the holidays fall on a Tuesday or Thursday, the normal custom although not official, appropriately called le pont (bridge), is to include the Monday or Friday as days off!
On top of it, the Frenchies are entitled to 5 weeks of vacation mostly during the months of July and August. In some companies including reputable international organizations, there even exists a summer schedule, which I remember back then I found so bizarre with having to go through shortened office hours and a natural (and somehwhat accepted) laid-back sense of work mode. Shall I also mention the random strikes which are conducted by service unions of transport,railroad etc.. paralyzing the city with limited train rides, nil buses or cargo truck-blocked highways, and naturally minimizing work hours? Aah, la vie en France.
A little insert, during my short stint at the Embassy, not only did I observe French non-working holidays but my national ones, too. Yeehahaha.
Below is a list of French holidays for those thinking of planning trips here. Please keep in mind the heavy circulation of highways, full trains and planes (including some closed restaurants and shops) during the following dates.
Public Holidays
1 January : New Year's Day (Jour de l'an)
1 May : Labor Day (Fête du premier mai)
8 May: WWII Victory Day (Fête de la Victoire 1945)
8 May: WWII Victory Day (Fête de la Victoire 1945)
14 July: Bastille Day (Fête nationale)
15 August : Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Assomption)
1 November: All Saints Day (La Toussaint)
11 November : Armistice Day (Jour d'armistice)
25 December: Christmas Day (Noël)
26 December**: 2nd Day of Christmas
26 December**: 2nd Day of Christmas
*Movable Feasts 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Good Friday** 10 April 2 April 22 April 6 April 29 March
Easter (Pâques) 12 April 4 April 24 April 8 April 31 March
Easter Monday 13 April 5 April 25 April 9 April 1 April
Ascension (l'Ascencion) 21 May 13 May 2 June 17 May 9 May
Pentecost(la Pentecôte)31 May 23 May 12 June 27 May 19 May
Whit Monday 1 June 24 May 13 June 28 May 20 May
*Movable because these feasts are dependent on Easter dates which are determined by complex calculations. Check this link for more info.
**Celebrated in Alsace and Lorraine
Thanksgiving 2009 best leading actor wins! our bio chicken produce(minimum of 81 days free range) was awarded a silver medal by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture & Fishing. This is dedicated to our recent viewing of Food Inc.
Now to revert to last night's Thanksgiving meal, I managed to prepare it all by myself like a good housewife (phew!) inlcuding hours worth of packing and moving of boxes out of our apartment.
my successful chorizo vegetable harvest stuffing. here's the recipe which I tweaked.
stuffed lemon, garlic chicken roast. merci food network.
In the spirit of giving thanks, we toasted to a blessed 'harvest', the best of health to family and friends, bountiful love and a happy home.
2009 Thanksgiving meal. pas mal (not bad!)
And special thanks to you, Villa Jean Godart, our home of memorable firsts, enjoyable feasts and comforting escape from the cold city, you will be missed!
cheers to our humble abode 2007-2009
to baked lemon pies and our seasonal flower kids
Thank you for shariing with us your yummy photos and recipes on Thanksgiving.
Halloween is actually celebrated in France and in European countries it just does not get big as in Dysneyland's country!!!
I would like people to consider the chart below summarizing the public and private vacation days in Europe in order to cut with the cliché of France being "lazy".
And anyway studies are confirming an increase of productivity during the working days of happier people having a decent numbers of vacations days ... Another talk could lead us to mention the spread use of naps in offices in Japan!
And unfortunately France is questioning vacations days particularly those corresponding to Christians celebration on the basis of those last years tremendous debates on France non religious state the "laïcité" ... another debate again.
Country vacation yearly/ public
Finland: 25;14;total 39
Austria: 25;13;total 38
Greace: 25;12;total 37
France: 25;11;total 36
Portugal: 22;14;total 36
Spain: 22;14;total 36
Sweden: 25;11;total 36
Danemark: 25;10;total 35
Luxembourg 25;10;total 35
Germany: 20;13;total 33
Belgium: 20;10;total 30
Italy: 20;10;total 30
Ireland: 20;9;total 29
Netherlands:20;8;total 28
UK : 20;8;total 28
Yours, the french lover!!
Please don't be offended French lover. I agree that there are some French 'workers'who put out quality work despite (and also due to) the 5-week vacation. I'm merely highlighting your benefits which people would die to have!
anne, your thanksgiving dinner looks soooo yummy!!! thanks for sharing....can't wait to see you this december!!! when are you arriving??? :)
i think i know who french lover is...nap lover!!!! mz.spectating, i enjoyed this post very much and want to read more! perhaps you will consider a part deux to this blog entry? will you post more memories?this is reminding me of my first home as a newlywed in long island city new york, a ground floor apartment under the subway tracks! we knew the train was coming when our place would start to shake! we'd grab our coat, run 30 steps and viola, we were on the N!!! of course i look back now and think how the hell did i last in that shithole.
Wow! and I thought the Pinoys were the worst when it came to calling all sorts of days "holidays!" Next thanksgiving, i challenge your hubby to make turducken (it's a chicken inside a duck that's inside a turkey).....and then invite us! =)
amazing cooking, as usual! makes the turkey and stuffing we made for Thanksgiving look so basic and unsophisticated...oh, well...we will be inspired by both you and your french lover's cooking for next year :) I'm glad we were able to see the first home of the love birds...and look forward to many more visits in your new home!
I want more!
Are you too busy in the cold buzzying city of lights to delight your readers ..?
Funny my "word verification" is ingsnow!
I hope you are doing fine because it's been a while... Last year you left us in thanksgiving and no snow beautifying Paris mentionned?
Where ARE you THS? WE MISS YOUR Stories and YOUR Photos, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING us BAck OUR Favorite BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!
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